Lotanna, you have no idea how inspirational this is! You're such a natural storyteller that I didn't even realise I'd come to the end. I already thought you were a superb artist because your merchandise was brilliant, so for you to go back to art school revives my hope for both piano and art school. I'm so proud of you and have nothing but the most immense admiration for you.

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Thank you so much Akijungu. Art school is very humbling but I’m actually learning proper techniques and I’m seeing the improvement starting to happen small small.

I used to play piano as a child so I understand where you’re coming from. If you love piano, you should definitely go for it and try and relearn or play more if you can.

What kind of art do you do? Get back into it too.

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My kind of art are these rough sketches (https://ibb.co/wp6D2Ff) that I have always wanted to improve for the longest. I started out in MS Paint, abandoned the practice for a while, resumed after I acquired an Infinix note 6 with a stylus, abandoned after my toddler broke that stylus, and now recently resumed after acquiring a bamboo sketchpad but my hand is still unsteady and practice still infrequent. Which is why I say all you're doing is inspirational.

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Oh you already have a good grasp of pose and generalised anatomy.

Things you can do to improve are:

1. Start learning the specific anatomy of drawing. This means learning and remembering features that are non-negotiable on each body part eg the corner of the mouth normally lines up with the center of the pupil of the eyes on each side.

2. You’re still in that stage of short, hesitant lines. Practice getting more confident with drawing longer lines.

3. Learn how to pick colours and layer them (how to do 2D cell shading versus Soft shading)

Also practice as much as possible on paper!

Drawing skill on paper easily translates to digital drawing, while drawing skill on tablet doesn’t necessarily translate to paper.

My first drawing tablet was a Wacom Bamboo too! I borrowed it from my university art department and I didn’t even know they had them or could give them out to students until I randomly stopped by there and they offered me one.

There are these two YouTubers from Korea who are so good at teaching basic drawing techniques.

I wish you lots and lots of progress with your art!

Mmmmonexx - https://youtube.com/@Mmmmonexx?si=p-v0fHi9BkV5QjU_


Chommang - https://youtube.com/@Chommang?si=jVfjoxJ1JkCQE8i2

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Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge and resources. I have subscribed to both channels.

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You're making good progress!

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Thank you!

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