Alright so we’re four weeks into the new year, and I’m not enjoying 2024, but it is what it is, and it’s going to be what it’s going to be.
I didn’t expect that I would spend the last three weeks deathly ill, but the whole shitty saga started on the 9th when I came down with food poisoning.
I thought I could ride it out, but by evening I was experiencing stabbing pains in my stomach and chest, as I sat on the toilet trying to shit out whatever was trying to kill me, and last April, I actually and very seriously almost died from the worst food poisoning of my life — I had to call 911. I was delirious, confused, unable to stand without falling, and almost passed out right as the paramedics burst through the door to see me collapsed in a massive pool of vomit — so I wasn’t taking any chances this time, and I decided to go to the doctor on DAY ONE.
I came back from the hospital the same day with a prescription of antibiotics, which I dutifully completed for seven days without incident.
That is, until the last day.
Literally no sooner had I swallowed the last pill of Amoxicillin, than I started feeling a familiarly sinister bloating in my upper stomach.
NO FUCKING WAY am I getting food poisoning on the last day of me completing a course of antibiotics that I had been prescribed to kill the last food poisoning I was barely recovered from.
But that was exactly what was happening.
Hello stomach my old friend…
I’ve come to poison you again…
I couldn’t believe I was that unlucky, but like clockwork, by the next day, not only was I shitting my guts out, this time there was a horrible new symptom.
Allow me to introduce you to… nonstop projectile vomiting.
I vomited. And vomited. And vomited. And vomited. And vomited.
I vomited all the food I had eaten.
I vomited all the food that had digested.
Then when I had nothing else to vomit, I vomited all my stomach acid and bile.
I vomited so hard, my whole body shook, and all I could think desperately was “no more, please no more”
But when I started vomiting brown specks of blood?
I jumped up from my sick bed (or should I say sick couch because by this time I was permanently camped on the couch leaning over a basin to vomit), and hauled my ass to the hospital, even though we literally had to stop for me to vomit into a bag, and also out the door when we stopped in traffic.
I came back from the hospital after a day of extensive testing and a CT scan of my abdomen and chest, feeling horrible. For the next three days, I kept vomiting, but thankfully less with each passing day.
Just when I thought I was finally well enough to actually keep something down after discovering I lost over six pounds in just two days, another wretched set of symptoms presented themselves.
Besides pain, cramping, bloating and discomfort whenever I tried to eat even food that had been chewed into a liquid mush, I developed chest pain and breathing became very unpleasant and very deliberate, which as you can imagine, feels like hell.
I wouldn’t be an award winning, Olympic gold medal hypochondriac if I didn’t immediately trampoline to the absolute worst case scenario, so two weeks after the initial food poisoning, convinced all that horrific vomiting had caused a Boerhaave’s Syndrome rupture in my oesophagus, I set off to the hospital emergency room for the third time.
To be fair I was in a lot of pain and I actually could not breathe nor eat.
Even drinking water was a little painful.
This time I had a chest X-ray, and now I’m back home with instructions to see my doctor about a referral to a pulmonary specialist, but most importantly, it was not a ruptured oesophagus, and I’m very grateful for that.
I’m feeling better now but not yet back to hundred percent.
Unsurprisingly, my compliance to my new year routine and resolutions took a beating.
I couldn’t get out of bed for days with how sick I was.
The bright side though, is that though I was really worried that I wouldn’t get better in time and miss it, I did manage to feel better enough in time to start Art School this week, so very big deal. At least to me.
Not all smiles though, because although I made it to my first class, I developed some breathing problems during my second class (Figure Drawing), and I had to excuse myself to go to the Emergency Room.
This honestly made me so sad because after everything I having my art school application dumped in the trash when I tried to apply to Art School as a teenager, the fact that I finally am able to fund an art education for myself is such a major milestone to me, and I hate being unwell, and in that moment I just felt like, why can’t this good thing just happen for me with no hitches?
I’m trying to take it on the chin and just push through though.
I got a rescue inhaler and made it back to class the next day, even though I didn’t feel like it, and unexpectedly I had a great time!
This is already really long, so I think I’ll do another post just focused on starting art classes and what it’s been like so far.
Hope your week was a lot better than mine!!
You'll be in perfect condition in no time. Enjoy Art School.
Please take care 🙏
The Nigerian in me kept screaming 😱